- Abstracts book CATP.pdf
- Bonnyman (2016) systematic review neurology
- Becker (2016) Aquatic Activity and the Brain
- Becker (2016) Aquatic Activity Effect on Metabolism
- Dunlap (2016) Aquatic interventions for gait
- Gamper (2016) Aquatic exercises msk disease
- Geigle (2016) Aquatic ExerciseCAcare
- Jakaitis (2016) AT SCI and Schwan
- Lambeck (2016) WST for fitness in CP
- Lemahieu (2016) pool lab neuroprotection
- Lorenzo (2016) communication and empathy_Spanish
- Lynch (2016) dementia and AT
- Maxon (2016) pediatric AT - SNAP
- Meyer (2016) WSTH for the trunk in CP
- Pasqualini (2016) aquatic manual therapy
- Pavez (2016) knee OA_spanish
- Pegito (2016) scoping review AT and stroke
- Pyatt (2016) pediatric palliative aquatics
- Rewald (2016) Knee OA aquatic cycling
- Vivas (2016) Benefit of aquatic exercise for Parkinson’s disease
- Parodi (2016) Terapia Acuática CRIT Teletón