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IATF header icebat 2026

Dear colleague

The IATF-ICEBAT webinar series ran between October 2020 and June 2021: 4 online webinars and 2 prerecorded ones

We consider the series a success with over 50 participants from over 30 countries. They participated in about 11 hours of webinars, comprehensively completed with descriptions, bullet points, teasers, handouts, clinical messages and quotes. I would like to thank the IATF related speakers and especially our guest speakers for the invested engagement and time:

Jens Bansi, Oliver Krouwel. Eric Meyer, Daisuke Sato, Anne Bommer, Javier Guueita, Ben Waller and Urs Gamper

Johan Lambeck, scientific chair

  • Quotes from Loading Systems Webinar of October 11
  • Quotes from Neuro-inflammation and Executive Functions Webinar of December 20
  • Quotes from Clinical Ai Chi in CDT bonus Webinar 1
  • Quotes from the neurophysiology of persistent pain Webinar of February 28
  • Quotes from children with neurological challenges Webinar of April 18
  • Quotes from Fluidmechanics bonus Webinar 2
  • Quotes from the Aquatic neuroscience Webinar of June 6


Video's, podcasts, congresses

IATF partners 2


icebat webinar3