Programma Passend Bewegen Brainwave 2025
Passend bewegen in water duidt op een op maat gemaakte bewegingsinterventie. Te denken valt aan therapeutische, pedagogische, didactische of sociale elementen. Deze elementen zijn voor iedereen in principe anders: elk mens is uniek met zijn of haar unieke problemen. Toch zijn er ook overeenkomsten tussen de diverse elementen: er is variatie in de overeenkomst en overeenkomst in de variatie. In deze studiedag combineren we dit in de vorm van zowel een individuele aanpak als een groepsaanpak.
Eén voorbeeld van een groepsaanpak ik Ai Chi. Dit concept heeft raakvlakken met veel doelstellingen, maar we willen in deze studiedag vooral de – bewezen – effecten op het voorkomen van vallen benadrukken. Hoe dit bijvoorbeeld gestalte krijgt bij het aanleren van bewegen is onderwerp van de inzichten die bij het motorisch leren worden gebruikt en individueel worden bepaald. Omdat onze vereniging ook de naam Halliwick draagt, willen we ook dit concept op een paar manieren belichten. Tot slot willen we – voor de eerste keer in Nederland – aandacht besteden aan de effecten van hydrotherapie op de slaap.
Kosten: € 50 voor leden van de NHHV en € 100 voor niet leden. Aanmelden bij de penningmeester Jan van de Rakt:
Zoals gewoonlijk zijn we te gast op OnCampus van de Hogeschool Windesheim, Zwolle
Het programma is alsvolgt:
09.15 Ontvangst
09.30 Johan Lambeck: Opening.
Voorzitter NHHV
09.45 Peter Beek. Leren bewegen en revalideren in het water: inzichten in motorisch leren toegepast in de praktijk.
Hoogleraar coördinatiedynamica aan de Faculteit der Bewegingswetenschappen van de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam
10.45 Pauze
11.15 Thijs van Hofweegen. Van Halliwick tot Paralympisch Parijs
Zwemmer, Nederlands Paralympisch Team
11.45 Sanne Lambeck. Passend Bewegen: evenwichtig Ai Chi bij iemand met
een halfzijdige verlamming, hoe ziet klinisch redeneren eruit?
Fysiotherapeut, Sint Maartenskliniek in Nijmegen
12.30 lunch
In en rond het
P = praktijk
L = lezing
13. 30 Eerste ronde workshop
1P Anne Bommer. Clinical Ai Chi
Senior Lecturer, Association IATF, Genève, Zwitserland
1 L Johan Lambeck. Brainwave Buitenland: wat is nieuw bij het Passend Bewegen?
Fysiotherapeut, Association IATF, Genève, Zwitserland
14.15 pauze
14. 30 Tweede ronde workshop
2P Patty van ’t Hooft en Johan Lambeck. (Impliciet) motorisch leren bij Halliwick rotaties.
Patty is docent en onderzoeker lectoraat Bewegen en Gezondheid, Hogeschool Windesheim in Zwolle
2L - Melanie Kastelein. Aandacht als basis voor leren: prikkelmodulatie past bij bewegen.
SI- therapeut, Psychosociaal therapeut en gespecialiseerd Zwemonderwijzer, Silence-Coaching, Schijndel.
15.15 pauze
15.30 Wud Al-Kailany. Hydrotherapie en slaap.
Longarts - leefstijlarts, Nederlands Slaapinstituut, Amersfoort
16. 30 Johan Lambeck, Plenaire afsluiting
16.45 Einde
Danaraj has been a PT since 2009 and is presently working as the Manager of the Rehabilitation Department at Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Apart from managing the multiple services in the Rehabilitation Department, he has been attending to patients referred for Aquatic Therapy in the Hospital. In 2014 he participated in the 14th Post Bachelor Aquatic Therapy Modular in Valens and has attended other Aquatic Therapy certification courses over the years
Since graduating as a physical therapist in 2006, my passion has centered around neurological rehabilitation. I started my career at a military rehabilitation center in Egypt, dedicating four years from 2006 to 2010 to specialize in neurological rehabilitation, particularly focusing on spinal cord injuries and strokes.
New role from 2010 to 2017, I worked at Dar Al Fouad Hospital, where I addressed the rehabilitation needs of neurological, geriatric, and multi-trauma cases during the acute phase. My responsibilities included establishing criteria for the transfer of patients to the active rehabilitation phase.
In IATF we have developed an aquatic QiGong which is based on Wu Xin Qi. Our Spanish member Félix Castellanos has written an overview: follow this link.
Patty Pei-Hsin Gu PT, PhD is a licensed physical therapist in Taiwan working with neurologically involved people, at the Department of Physical Therapy and Assistive Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.. The picture shows the name of her thesis
Water Specific Therapy was used as intervention in this newly published research, see underneath
The original protocol consisted of:
18 treatments > 3 phases of 6 treatments. Each session 40 minutes
HERE, the book of abstracts of ICEBAT-UK, June 21-23, 2024 in Winchester, UK can be downloaded.
Eugenia Hernández joined the IATF board in May 2024, strengthening its capacity. IATF is growing: more activities and more decisions to be taken by the board.
Eugenia is Lecturer WST from Queretaro in Mexico, but living in Washington DC She was educated by Johan Lambeck and Urs Gamper during various courses in Mexico and Europe. Eugenia was organizer of ICEBAT 2016 in Mexico, the founder of the Asociación Mexicana de Terapia Aquática (AMTA) and of the innovative masterclass AquaClinica in March 2024.
Alison Bonnyman will receive the Award “Excellence in Aquatic Physical Therapy”, issued by the Academy of Aquatic Physical Therapy-APTA, USA, during the APTA Combined Sections Meeting in Houston, February 13-15, 2025. The second PT from outside the USA to receive this award and also the second IATF member at the same time
Alison has been a PT in Canada for over 35 years. In 2011, she founded Canadian Aquatic Rehab to support the growth of aquatic therapy in Canada. Her Master’s research, at McMaster University 2011, focussed on aquatic exercise and osteoporotic fractures; this was presented at ICEBAT 2013. Alison has completed the 2012 Comprehensive Modular course in Valens as well as other international courses. Her prior work included 10 years as Program Manager of the PT Bridging Program at University of Toronto. Presently, she is teaching aquatic therapy across Canada, and has an active, community-based practice near Toronto.
The WST-ICF assessment, as well as its short form, are recognized as formal aquatic clinical assessmenttool by the relevanthealth autorites in South-Korea. The Korean colleague Lee Jong-Pil has been in charge of translation, modification and application to the health assessment committee. Jong-Pil is prominent members of IATA-Korea, a partner orhanization of iATF.
July 2023.
He will strengthen the research part of IATF (Vassilios Panoutsakopoulis) and with his special interest in neurology also the aquatic work of e.g. Javier Güeita and Patty Ku.
Dr. G K Balaji, PhD with 20 years of experience in the field of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. He has around 30 research publications in National and International journals in the areas of sports injuries, orthro and neuro rehabilitation with wide clinical and teaching experience for more than 15 years in various universities.
Dr Suraj Shukla is particularly interested in teaching the Bad Ragaz Ring Method and passed his exam sucessfully to become a full Member BRRM during the aquatic course in Landeyeux (CH), October 2023. The educational trach has yet to be designed.
Suraj is Chef International Physiotherapists at the NEWLIFE Clinic in Suzhou, China, working with and handling the team of physiotherapists at their rehabilitation center.
He is the Ex-Principal and Associate Professor at Br Nath Pai College of Physiotherapy, MUHS, INDIA, Member of Indian Association of Physiotherapists,(Executive Committee Member of Thane District MHIAP), Director at AAROGYAM Physiotherapy Clinic and Rehabilitation Centre, Kudal, Maharashtra, Founder Member of TRIO Physiotherapy Clinics and Rehabilitation Centres Mumbai and former Director of Aquatic Therapy Department at Beijing United Family Rehabilitation Hospital, CHINA
Oğuz Gücin is a physiotherapist, aquatic therapist and osteopath(c). At the same time, as a physiotherapist, he likes to work in all areas of health and therefore he is interested and works in PsychoNeuroImmunology. He, co-owns and manages a hydrotherapy center called ''Su Academy''. Since meeting with Aquatic therapy in 2018, he has been applying aquatic therapy frequently in orthopedic, neurological and pediatric fields.
Mohamed has been PT since 2006 and presently working in Haven Cleopatra Hospital in Cairo, Egypt. Aquatic therapy is one of his specializations. In 2019, he participated in the Valens aquatic therapy course and attended an international teaching experience in various countries like Budapest and Cairo 2022.
Anne Bommer, senior lecturer CAC and ATR now also has been appointed lecturer Halliwick 10 points.
Anne lives in Geneva and will cater for French speaking courses
Brinda Merchant has passed her membership examination of IATF, now being a full member.and assistant lecturer CAC
Brinda is PT and based in Mumbai, India
Sanne is PT since 2007 and presently working in the Sint Maartenskliniek, a rehabilitation center in Nijmegen, Netherlands. Aquatic therapy is one of her specializations. In 2010, she participated in the Valens aquatic therapy course and gathered international teaching experience in various countries.
She passed her examination during the Masterclass AquaClinica in Queretaro (Mx) in March 2024
Rosane Barroso joined the IATF board, succeeding Marcel Hulselmans, both in this photo. Thank you Marcel for the engagement as board member over many years. Welcome Rosane.
Rosane is Lecturer WST from São Paulo since 10+ years. She was educated by Johan Lambeck and Urs Gamper during various courses in Brazil and is regularly teaching courses in various institutions and universities all over Brazil.. Rosane also is active in ABFA: the Brazilian aquatic physiotherapy group.
Published as: Lambeck J, Gamper UN. Enhancing the quality of aquatic therapy for subacute and
chronic stroke patients. ProPhysio, 2023;1;8-12
Enhancing the quality of aquatic therapy for subacute and chronic stroke patients
Motor-cognitive aquatic therapy by Sanne Lambeck and Johan Lambeck, a narrative review.
Originally published as; Lambeck S. Lambeck J. Hydrotherapie, een waardevol middel binnen de neurologische en geriatrische fysiotherapie. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geriatriefysiotherapie, 2020;34(4):32-47. Klik hier
See for a review underneath. But this is already the LINK to the shop
This second edition of the Spanish book Terapia Acuática has been released October 2020. It has been completely revised: updated references, rewritten chapters and also new chapters were added. I myself edited 2 chapters: Water Specific Therapy and Clinical Ai Chi. In the latter chapter I included e.g. possibilities to use CAC in a mindful way and remarks about influencing fascial resilience with CAC. The updated case description has been related to Water Specific Therapy to show coherence in clinical reasoning. In the Bad Ragaz chapter new patterns like lifting and chopping have been included by two other IATF lecturers: Urs Gamper and Ben Waller.
Vassilios Panoutsakopoulos has been appointed associated member_research advisor.
The IATF board decided in June 2020 to establish a research committee. Ben Waller, Javier Güeita and Paula Paula agreed to form this committee, together with Vassilios Panoutsakopoulos. The board appointed him as research advisor recently. The general goal is to implement research topics in the educational activities of IATF, supporting the Evidence Informed Practice of aquatic (physical) therapy
Vassilios already was involved in various IATF activities: presenting at ICEBAT Las Vegas, coordinating a reliability study with an indentometer (bought by IATF), lecturing in China and and involvment in courses in Greece.
This statement is NOT about patients that are recovering from a COVID-19 infection. In September 2022 we decided to archive the 3rd update (July 2021). Increasing amouts of vaccinations have led to releases of regulations in aquatic therapy pools, despite new variants. National rules still differ and should be taken into account by aquatic preofessionals
I am proud to be the first non-American aquatic physical therapy professional receiving the 'Excellence in Aquatic Physical Therapy" award, see, scroll to the blue bar “excellence…”
This award is for the Academy of Aquatic Physical Therapy to recognize exceptional research, exemplary dedication, and/or extraordinary contributions to the comprehensive field of aquatic therapy. The intent of this award is to fulfill the Section's commitment to the diverse aspects of aquatic therapy by recognizing those whose influence has driven this area of physical therapy.
Academy of Aquatic Physical Therapy: thank you for this recognition!
Ben Waller has been appointed Senior Lecturer
Félix Castellanos has been appointed Associate Member
Félix Castellanos Olivares (1965, Spain) began the practice of Taiji (Taichi) and Qigong (chikung) in 1987. He obtained qualifications as a Qigong Instructor from the International Qigong Institute (directed by Dr. Yves Requena), The Tao of Harmony (Alain Baudet), Health Qigong Association (2nd Duan), and Taiji and Qigong by the National Traditional Chinese Exercise Medicine Institute, The Chinese Wushu Association (6th Duan), and the Wushu-taiji Department of the Spanish Judo Federation (3rd Duan).
At December 19th 2021, Conceição successfully defended her PhD thesis at the University of Porto in Portugal 'The evidence of aquatic therapy for painful shoulder disability. 7 studies, ranging from a case study to a large cohort intervention study, in addition to biomechanical research about the effect of buoyancy aids have been submitted to various journals and will hopefully be published in 2020.. Congratulations on behalf of the Association IATF.
Dipti Patil passed her entrance exam during the Valens course May 2019. She is physiotherapist from Mumbai, India. Dipti is practicing aquatic therapy since 2015 with various patient groups and presented a paper at ICEBAT Mysore in November 2017. Dipti is specifically interested in Water Specific Therapy and starts her education in 2023
Zhongshan Vocational College is one of the biggest private colleges in Jiangsu province. Rehabilitation (physiotherapy) is the largest major at Zhonshang which is cooperating closely with Nanjing Medical University. Zhongshang also possesses a hospital and is currently constructing an elderly care residential area. One of the founders and board members is Dr Jianan Li, immediate past president of ISPRM and present chair of the Chinese Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.